Invocation Operators, States and Scopes
Published: 09-30-2017
I’m going to start off with invocation operators, but don’t worry it’ll come around full circle. If you’re here just for scopes, you can skip to the PSModuleInfo section.
Common Knowledge
In general you can think of the invocation operators &
and .
as a way of telling PowerShell “run
whatever is after this symbol”. There are a few different ways you can use theses symbols.
Name or Path
& .\Path\To\Command.ps1
Invoke whatever is at this path. The path can be a script, an executable, or anything else that resolves as a command.
& Get-ChildItem
Invoke a command by name. You don’t typically need an operator to invoke a command, but what you
might not know is you can also use the .
operator here to invoke a command without creating a new
Formatting Objects without XML
Published: 04-20-2017
Custom formatting in PowerShell has always seemed like one of the most under utilized features of PowerShell to me. And I understand why. It feels kind of bizarre to spend all this time writing PowerShell, creating a cool custom object and then jumping into…XML.
The bad news is, what I’m about to tell you is still going to involve XML. The good news, you don’t have to write it.
PSControl Classes
One of the things I love the most about PowerShell is the pure discoverability it provides. You can usually figure out what you need to do with just about any command, object, etc. That all gets a little abstracted when you’re working through XML.
The PSControl object (and more importantly it’s child classes) give that discoverability back. Let’s
pipe TableControl
to Get-Member
so you can see what I mean.
PS C:\> [System.Management.Automation.TableControl] | Get-Member -Static
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.TableControl
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Create Method static System.Management.Automation.Table...
Equals Method static bool Equals(System.Object objA, Sy...
new Method System.Management.Automation.TableControl...
ReferenceEquals Method static bool ReferenceEquals(System.Object...
Let’s take a closer look at the Create
static method.
Cmdlet Creation with PowerShell
Published: 04-13-2017
I was looking through the PowerShell-Tests repo and I saw they were creating Cmdlets inline for some tests. They were using C# and Add-Type which got me wondering.
Can you create one using pure PowerShell? Yeah, you can. With a little extra handling.
Building the Cmdlet
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Reflection
# Basic do nothing Cmdlet.
[Cmdlet([VerbsDiagnostic]::Test, 'Cmdlet')]
class TestCmdletCommand : PSCmdlet {
[void] ProcessRecord () {
Just a basic cmdlet that passes anything it gets from the pipeline. But right now, it’s just a class. Now we need to tell PowerShell it’s a cmdlet. This is where we have to stretch a little.